Sunday, March 7, 2010


Human Trafficking is the exploitation by force, fraud or coercion of vulnerable people for forced labor, domestic servitude or commercial sex operations.

Clues that may help you identify a possible trafficing victim:

1) Accompanied by a controlling person or boss: not speaking on own behalf

2) Lack of control over personal schedule, money, I.D., travel documents

3) Transported to and from work; lives and works in the same place

4) Debt owed to employer/crew leader; inability to leave job

5) Bruises, depression, fear, overly submissive


Anonymous said...

Interesting facts,many I haven't heard fo , so I appreciate this blog.Thank You

Cynthia Sherrick said...

Interesting list of facts. Thanks.

Eliza March said...

I spread the word on the loops about this Blog today because I believe this is an imprtant to[ic. I hope several people at least stop in to read this.


Pixie said...

Great post on a little known topic. Everyone should have a basic knowledge of this very real crime. Good job.

Have a great week. Love Ya.


PS. Tag your it.

Karen Wiesner said...

I researched the subject of human trafficking for my book HARD TO HANDLE, Book 8 of the Incognito Series. I was stunned and horrified that these kinds of things can happen--and happen even in America. I'm still haunted by this subject.

Karen Wiesner